एक से हजार तक गिनती – Hindi counting 1 to 1000

एक से हजार तक गिनती – Hindi counting 1 to 1000

DigitsEnglishHindiHinglishHindi Digits
1Oneएक Ek
2Twoदो Do
3Threeतीन Teen
4Fourचार Chaar
5Fiveपाँच Paanch
6Sixछह Chhah
7Sevenसात Saat
8Eightआठ Aath
9Nineनौ Nau
10Tenदस Das१०
11Elevenग्यारह Gyaarah११
12Twelveबारह Baarah१२
13Thirteenतेरह Terah१३
14Fourteenचौदह Chaudah१४
15Fifteenपंद्रह Pandrah१५
16Sixteenसोलह Solah१६
17Seventeenसत्रह Satrah१७
18Eighteenअठारह Athaarah१८
19Nineteenउन्नीस Unnees१९
20Twenty बीस Bees२०
21Twenty Oneइक्कीस Ikkees२१
22Twenty Twoबाईस Baees२२
23Twenty Threeतेईस Teees२३
24Twenty Fourचौबीस Chaubees२४
25Twenty Fiveपच्चीस Pachchees२५
26Twenty Sixछब्बीस Chhabbees२६
27Twenty Sevenसत्ताईस Sattaees२७
28Twenty Eightअट्ठाइस Atthais२८
29Twenty Nineउन्तीस Untees२९
30Thirty तीस Tees३०
31Thirty Oneइकत्तीस Ikattees३१
32Thirty Twoबत्तीस Battees३२
33Thirty Threeतेंतीस Tentees३३
34Thirty Fourचौंतीस Chauntees३४
35Thirty Fiveपैंतीस Paintees३५
36Thirty Sixछत्तीस Chhattees३६
37Thirty Sevenसैंतीस Saintees३७
38Thirty Eightअड़तीस Adatees३८
39Thirty Nineउनतालीस Unataalees३९
40Forty चालीस Chaalees४०
41Forty Oneइकतालीस Ikataalees४१
42Forty Twoबयालीस Bayaalees४२
43Forty Threeतैंतालीस Taintaalees४३
44Forty Fourचवालीस Chavaalees४४
45Forty Fiveपैंतालीस Paintaalees४५
46Forty Sixछियालीस Chhiyaalees४६
47Forty Sevenसैंतालीस Saintaalees४७
48Forty Eightअड़तालीस Adataalees४८
49Forty Nineउनचास Unachaas४९
50Fifty पचास Pachaas५०
51Fifty Oneइक्यावन Ikyaavan५१
52Fifty Twoबावन Baavan५२
53Fifty Threeतिरपन Tirapan५३
54Fifty Fourचौवन Chauvan५४
55Fifty Fiveपचपन Pachapan५५
56Fifty Sixछप्पन Chhappan५६
57Fifty Sevenसत्तावन Sattaavan५७
58Fifty Eightअट्ठावन Atthaavan५८
59Fifty Nineउनसठ Unasath५९
60Sixty साठ Saath६०
61Sixty Oneइकसठ Ikasath६१
62Sixty Twoबासठ Baasath६२
63Sixty Threeतिरसठ Tirasath६३
64Sixty Fourचौंसठ Chaunsath६४
65Sixty Fiveपैसठ Paisath६५
66Sixty Sixछियासठ Chhiyaasath६६
67Sixty Sevenसड़सठ Sadasath६७
68Sixty Eightअड़सठ Adasath६८
69Sixty Nineउनहत्तर Unahattar६९
70Seventy सत्तर Sattar७०
71Seventy Oneइकहत्तर Ikahattar७१
72Seventy Twoबहत्तर Bahattar७२
73Seventy Threeतिहत्तर Tihattar७३
74Seventy Fourचौहत्तर Chauhattar७४
75Seventy Fiveपचहत्तर Pachahattar७५
76Seventy Sixछिहत्तर Chhihattar७६
77Seventy Sevenसतत्तर Satattar७७
78Seventy Eightअठहत्तर Athahattar७८
79Seventy Nineउन्यासी Unyaasee७९
80Eighty अस्सी Assee८०
81Eighty Oneइक्यासी Ikyaasee८१
82Eighty Twoबयासी Bayaasee८२
83Eighty Threeतिरासी Tiraasee८३
84Eighty Fourचौरासी Chauraasee८४
85Eighty Fiveपचासी Pachaasee८५
86Eighty Sixछियासी Chhiyaasee८६
87Eighty Sevenसत्तासी Sattaasee८७
88Eighty Eightअठासी Athaasee८८
89Eighty Nineनवासी Navaasee८९
90Ninety नव्वे Navve९०
91Ninety Oneइक्यानबे Ikyaanabe९१
92Ninety Twoबयान्वे Bayaanve९२
93Ninety Threeतिरानवे Tiraanave९३
94Ninety Fourचौरानवे Chauraanave९४
95Ninety Fiveपंचानवे Panchaanave९५
96Ninety Sixछियानबे Chhiyaanabe९६
97Ninety Sevenसत्तानवे Sattaanave९७
98Ninety Eightअठानवे Athaanave९८
99Ninety Nineनिन्यानवे Ninyaanave९९
100One Hundred एक सौ Ek sau१००
101One Hundred Oneएक सौ एक Ek sau ek१०१
102One Hundred Twoएक सौ दो Ek sau do१०२
103One Hundred Threeएक सौ तीन Ek sau teen१०३
104One Hundred Fourएक सौ चार Ek sau chaar१०४
105One Hundred Fiveएक सौ पाँच Ek sau paanch१०५
106One Hundred Sixएक सौ छह Ek sau chhah१०६
107One Hundred Sevenएक सौ सात Ek sau saat१०७
108One Hundred Eightएक सौ आठ Ek sau aath१०८
109One Hundred Nineएक सौ नौ Ek sau nau१०९
110One Hundred Tenएक सौ दस Ek sau das११०
111One Hundred Elevenएक सौ ग्यारह Ek sau gyaarah१११
112One Hundred Twelveएक सौ बारह Ek sau baarah११२
113One Hundred Thirteenएक सौ तेरह Ek sau terah११३
114One Hundred Fourteenएक सौ चौदह Ek sau chaudah११४
115One Hundred Fifteenएक सौ पंद्रह Ek sau pandrah११५
116One Hundred Sixteenएक सौ सोलह Ek sau solah११६
117One Hundred Seventeenएक सौ सत्रह Ek sau satrah११७
118One Hundred Eighteenएक सौ अठारह Ek sau athaarah११८
119One Hundred Nineteenएक सौ उन्नीस Ek sau unnees११९
120One Hundred Twenty एक सौ बीस Ek sau bees१२०
121One Hundred Twenty Oneएक सौ इक्कीस Ek sau ikkees१२१
122One Hundred Twenty Twoएक सौ बाईस Ek sau baees१२२
123One Hundred Twenty Threeएक सौ तेईस Ek sau teees१२३
124One Hundred Twenty Fourएक सौ चौबीस Ek sau chaubees१२४
125One Hundred Twenty Fiveएक सौ पच्चीस Ek sau pachchees१२५
126One Hundred Twenty Sixएक सौ छब्बीस Ek sau chhabbees१२६
127One Hundred Twenty Sevenएक सौ सत्ताईस Ek sau sattaees१२७
128One Hundred Twenty Eightएक सौ अट्ठाइस Ek sau atthais१२८
129One Hundred Twenty Nineएक सौ उन्तीस Ek sau untees१२९
130One Hundred Thirty एक सौ तीस Ek sau tees१३०
131One Hundred Thirty Oneएक सौ इकत्तीस Ek sau ikattees१३१
132One Hundred Thirty Twoएक सौ बत्तीस Ek sau battees१३२
133One Hundred Thirty Threeएक सौ तेंतीस Ek sau tentees१३३
134One Hundred Thirty Fourएक सौ चौंतीस Ek sau chauntees१३४
135One Hundred Thirty Fiveएक सौ पैंतीस Ek sau paintees१३५
136One Hundred Thirty Sixएक सौ छत्तीस Ek sau chhattees१३६
137One Hundred Thirty Sevenएक सौ सैंतीस Ek sau saintees१३७
138One Hundred Thirty Eightएक सौ अड़तीस Ek sau adatees१३८
139One Hundred Thirty Nineएक सौ उनतालीस Ek sau unataalees१३९
140One Hundred Forty एक सौ चालीस Ek sau chaalees१४०
141One Hundred Forty Oneएक सौ इकतालीस Ek sau ikataalees१४१
142One Hundred Forty Twoएक सौ बयालीस Ek sau bayaalees१४२
143One Hundred Forty Threeएक सौ तैंतालीस Ek sau taintaalees१४३
144One Hundred Forty Fourएक सौ चवालीस Ek sau chavaalees१४४
145One Hundred Forty Fiveएक सौ पैंतालीस Ek sau paintaalees१४५
146One Hundred Forty Sixएक सौ छियालीस Ek sau chhiyaalees१४६
147One Hundred Forty Sevenएक सौ सैंतालीस Ek sau saintaalees१४७
148One Hundred Forty Eightएक सौ अड़तालीस Ek sau adataalees१४८
149One Hundred Forty Nineएक सौ उनचास Ek sau unachaas१४९
150One Hundred Fifty एक सौ पचास Ek sau pachaas१५०
151One Hundred Fifty Oneएक सौ इक्यावन Ek sau ikyaavan१५१
152One Hundred Fifty Twoएक सौ बावन Ek sau baavan१५२
153One Hundred Fifty Threeएक सौ तिरपन Ek sau tirapan१५३
154One Hundred Fifty Fourएक सौ चौवन Ek sau chauvan१५४
155One Hundred Fifty Fiveएक सौ पचपन Ek sau pachapan१५५
156One Hundred Fifty Sixएक सौ छप्पन Ek sau chhappan१५६
157One Hundred Fifty Sevenएक सौ सत्तावन Ek sau sattaavan१५७
158One Hundred Fifty Eightएक सौ अट्ठावन Ek sau atthaavan१५८
159One Hundred Fifty Nineएक सौ उनसठ Ek sau unasath१५९
160One Hundred Sixty एक सौ साठ Ek sau saath१६०
161One Hundred Sixty Oneएक सौ इकसठ Ek sau ikasath१६१
162One Hundred Sixty Twoएक सौ बासठ Ek sau baasath१६२
163One Hundred Sixty Threeएक सौ तिरसठ Ek sau tirasath१६३
164One Hundred Sixty Fourएक सौ चौंसठ Ek sau chaunsath१६४
165One Hundred Sixty Fiveएक सौ पैसठ Ek sau paisath१६५
166One Hundred Sixty Sixएक सौ छियासठ Ek sau chhiyaasath१६६
167One Hundred Sixty Sevenएक सौ सड़सठ Ek sau sadasath१६७
168One Hundred Sixty Eightएक सौ अड़सठ Ek sau adasath१६८
169One Hundred Sixty Nineएक सौ उनहत्तर Ek sau unahattar१६९
170One Hundred Seventy एक सौ सत्तर Ek sau sattar१७०
171One Hundred Seventy Oneएक सौ इकहत्तर Ek sau ikahattar१७१
172One Hundred Seventy Twoएक सौ बहत्तर Ek sau bahattar१७२
173One Hundred Seventy Threeएक सौ तिहत्तर Ek sau tihattar१७३
174One Hundred Seventy Fourएक सौ चौहत्तर Ek sau chauhattar१७४
175One Hundred Seventy Fiveएक सौ पचहत्तर Ek sau pachahattar१७५
176One Hundred Seventy Sixएक सौ छिहत्तर Ek sau chhihattar१७६
177One Hundred Seventy Sevenएक सौ सतत्तर Ek sau satattar१७७
178One Hundred Seventy Eightएक सौ अठहत्तर Ek sau athahattar१७८
179One Hundred Seventy Nineएक सौ उन्यासी Ek sau unyaasee१७९
180One Hundred Eighty एक सौ अस्सी Ek sau assee१८०
181One Hundred Eighty Oneएक सौ इक्यासी Ek sau ikyaasee१८१
182One Hundred Eighty Twoएक सौ बयासी Ek sau bayaasee१८२
183One Hundred Eighty Threeएक सौ तिरासी Ek sau tiraasee१८३
184One Hundred Eighty Fourएक सौ चौरासी Ek sau chauraasee१८४
185One Hundred Eighty Fiveएक सौ पचासी Ek sau pachaasee१८५
186One Hundred Eighty Sixएक सौ छियासी Ek sau chhiyaasee१८६
187One Hundred Eighty Sevenएक सौ सत्तासी Ek sau sattaasee१८७
188One Hundred Eighty Eightएक सौ अठासी Ek sau athaasee१८८
189One Hundred Eighty Nineएक सौ नवासी Ek sau navaasee१८९
190One Hundred Ninety एक सौ नव्वे Ek sau navve१९०
191One Hundred Ninety Oneएक सौ इक्यानबे Ek sau ikyaanabe१९१
192One Hundred Ninety Twoएक सौ बयान्वे Ek sau bayaanve१९२
193One Hundred Ninety Threeएक सौ तिरानवे Ek sau tiraanave१९३
194One Hundred Ninety Fourएक सौ चौरानवे Ek sau chauraanave१९४
195One Hundred Ninety Fiveएक सौ पंचानवे Ek sau panchaanave१९५
196One Hundred Ninety Sixएक सौ छियानबे Ek sau chhiyaanabe१९६
197One Hundred Ninety Sevenएक सौ सत्तानवे Ek sau sattaanave१९७
198One Hundred Ninety Eightएक सौ अठानवे Ek sau athaanave१९८
199One Hundred Ninety Nineएक सौ निन्यानवे Ek sau ninyaanave१९९
200Two Hundred दो सौ  Do sau२००
201Two Hundred Oneदो सौ एक Do sau ek२०१
202Two Hundred Twoदो सौ दो Do sau do२०२
203Two Hundred Threeदो सौ तीन Do sau teen२०३
204Two Hundred Fourदो सौ चार Do sau chaar२०४
205Two Hundred Fiveदो सौ पाँच Do sau paanch२०५
206Two Hundred Sixदो सौ छह Do sau chhah२०६
207Two Hundred Sevenदो सौ सात Do sau saat२०७
208Two Hundred Eightदो सौ आठ Do sau aath२०८
209Two Hundred Nineदो सौ नौ Do sau nau२०९
210Two Hundred Tenदो सौ दस Do sau das२१०
211Two Hundred Elevenदो सौ ग्यारह Do sau gyaarah२११
212Two Hundred Twelveदो सौ बारह Do sau baarah२१२
213Two Hundred Thirteenदो सौ तेरह Do sau terah२१३
214Two Hundred Fourteenदो सौ चौदह Do sau chaudah२१४
215Two Hundred Fifteenदो सौ पंद्रह Do sau pandrah२१५
216Two Hundred Sixteenदो सौ सोलह Do sau solah२१६
217Two Hundred Seventeenदो सौ सत्रह Do sau satrah२१७
218Two Hundred Eighteenदो सौ अठारह Do sau athaarah२१८
219Two Hundred Nineteenदो सौ उन्नीस Do sau unnees२१९
220Two Hundred Twenty दो सौ बीस Do sau bees२२०
221Two Hundred Twenty Oneदो सौ इक्कीस Do sau ikkees२२१
222Two Hundred Twenty Twoदो सौ बाईस Do sau baees२२२
223Two Hundred Twenty Threeदो सौ तेईस Do sau teees२२३
224Two Hundred Twenty Fourदो सौ चौबीस Do sau chaubees२२४
225Two Hundred Twenty Fiveदो सौ पच्चीस Do sau pachchees२२५
226Two Hundred Twenty Sixदो सौ छब्बीस Do sau chhabbees२२६
227Two Hundred Twenty Sevenदो सौ सत्ताईस Do sau sattaees२२७
228Two Hundred Twenty Eightदो सौ अट्ठाइस Do sau atthais२२८
229Two Hundred Twenty Nineदो सौ उन्तीस Do sau untees२२९
230Two Hundred Thirty दो सौ तीस Do sau tees२३०
231Two Hundred Thirty Oneदो सौ इकत्तीस Do sau ikattees२३१
232Two Hundred Thirty Twoदो सौ बत्तीस Do sau battees२३२
233Two Hundred Thirty Threeदो सौ तेंतीस Do sau tentees२३३
234Two Hundred Thirty Fourदो सौ चौंतीस Do sau chauntees२३४
235Two Hundred Thirty Fiveदो सौ पैंतीस Do sau paintees२३५
236Two Hundred Thirty Sixदो सौ छत्तीस Do sau chhattees२३६
237Two Hundred Thirty Sevenदो सौ सैंतीस Do sau saintees२३७
238Two Hundred Thirty Eightदो सौ अड़तीस Do sau adatees२३८
239Two Hundred Thirty Nineदो सौ उनतालीस Do sau unataalees२३९
240Two Hundred Forty दो सौ चालीस Do sau chaalees२४०
241Two Hundred Forty Oneदो सौ इकतालीस Do sau ikataalees२४१
242Two Hundred Forty Twoदो सौ बयालीस Do sau bayaalees२४२
243Two Hundred Forty Threeदो सौ तैंतालीस Do sau taintaalees२४३
244Two Hundred Forty Fourदो सौ चवालीस Do sau chavaalees२४४
245Two Hundred Forty Fiveदो सौ पैंतालीस Do sau paintaalees२४५
246Two Hundred Forty Sixदो सौ छियालीस Do sau chhiyaalees२४६
247Two Hundred Forty Sevenदो सौ सैंतालीस Do sau saintaalees२४७
248Two Hundred Forty Eightदो सौ अड़तालीस Do sau adataalees२४८
249Two Hundred Forty Nineदो सौ उनचास Do sau unachaas२४९
250Two Hundred Fifty दो सौ पचास Do sau pachaas२५०
251Two Hundred Fifty Oneदो सौ इक्यावन Do sau ikyaavan२५१
252Two Hundred Fifty Twoदो सौ बावन Do sau baavan२५२
253Two Hundred Fifty Threeदो सौ तिरपन Do sau tirapan२५३
254Two Hundred Fifty Fourदो सौ चौवन Do sau chauvan२५४
255Two Hundred Fifty Fiveदो सौ पचपन Do sau pachapan२५५
256Two Hundred Fifty Sixदो सौ छप्पन Do sau chhappan२५६
257Two Hundred Fifty Sevenदो सौ सत्तावन Do sau sattaavan२५७
258Two Hundred Fifty Eightदो सौ अट्ठावन Do sau atthaavan२५८
259Two Hundred Fifty Nineदो सौ उनसठ Do sau unasath२५९
260Two Hundred Sixty दो सौ साठ Do sau saath२६०
261Two Hundred Sixty Oneदो सौ इकसठ Do sau ikasath२६१
262Two Hundred Sixty Twoदो सौ बासठ Do sau baasath२६२
263Two Hundred Sixty Threeदो सौ तिरसठ Do sau tirasath२६३
264Two Hundred Sixty Fourदो सौ चौंसठ Do sau chaunsath२६४
265Two Hundred Sixty Fiveदो सौ पैसठ Do sau paisath२६५
266Two Hundred Sixty Sixदो सौ छियासठ Do sau chhiyaasath२६६
267Two Hundred Sixty Sevenदो सौ सड़सठ Do sau sadasath२६७
268Two Hundred Sixty Eightदो सौ अड़सठ Do sau adasath२६८
269Two Hundred Sixty Nineदो सौ उनहत्तर Do sau unahattar२६९
270Two Hundred Seventy दो सौ सत्तर Do sau sattar२७०
271Two Hundred Seventy Oneदो सौ इकहत्तर Do sau ikahattar२७१
272Two Hundred Seventy Twoदो सौ बहत्तर Do sau bahattar२७२
273Two Hundred Seventy Threeदो सौ तिहत्तर Do sau tihattar२७३
274Two Hundred Seventy Fourदो सौ चौहत्तर Do sau chauhattar२७४
275Two Hundred Seventy Fiveदो सौ पचहत्तर Do sau pachahattar२७५
276Two Hundred Seventy Sixदो सौ छिहत्तर Do sau chhihattar२७६
277Two Hundred Seventy Sevenदो सौ सतत्तर Do sau satattar२७७
278Two Hundred Seventy Eightदो सौ अठहत्तर Do sau athahattar२७८
279Two Hundred Seventy Nineदो सौ उन्यासी Do sau unyaasee२७९
280Two Hundred Eighty दो सौ अस्सी Do sau assee२८०
281Two Hundred Eighty Oneदो सौ इक्यासी Do sau ikyaasee२८१
282Two Hundred Eighty Twoदो सौ बयासी Do sau bayaasee२८२
283Two Hundred Eighty Threeदो सौ तिरासी Do sau tiraasee२८३
284Two Hundred Eighty Fourदो सौ चौरासी Do sau chauraasee२८४
285Two Hundred Eighty Fiveदो सौ पचासी Do sau pachaasee२८५
286Two Hundred Eighty Sixदो सौ छियासी Do sau chhiyaasee२८६
287Two Hundred Eighty Sevenदो सौ सत्तासी Do sau sattaasee२८७
288Two Hundred Eighty Eightदो सौ अठासी Do sau athaasee२८८
289Two Hundred Eighty Nineदो सौ नवासी Do sau navaasee२८९
290Two Hundred Ninety दो सौ नव्वे Do sau navve२९०
291Two Hundred Ninety Oneदो सौ इक्यानबे Do sau ikyaanabe२९१
292Two Hundred Ninety Twoदो सौ बयान्वे Do sau bayaanve२९२
293Two Hundred Ninety Threeदो सौ तिरानवे Do sau tiraanave२९३
294Two Hundred Ninety Fourदो सौ चौरानवे Do sau chauraanave२९४
295Two Hundred Ninety Fiveदो सौ पंचानवे Do sau panchaanave२९५
296Two Hundred Ninety Sixदो सौ छियानबे Do sau chhiyaanabe२९६
297Two Hundred Ninety Sevenदो सौ सत्तानवे Do sau sattaanave२९७
298Two Hundred Ninety Eightदो सौ अठानवे Do sau athaanave२९८
299Two Hundred Ninety Nineदो सौ निन्यानवे Do sau ninyaanave२९९
300Three Hundred तीन सौ  Teen sau३००
301Three Hundred Oneतीन सौ एक Teen sau ek३०१
302Three Hundred Twoतीन सौ दो Teen sau do३०२
303Three Hundred Threeतीन सौ तीन Teen sau teen३०३
304Three Hundred Fourतीन सौ चार Teen sau chaar३०४
305Three Hundred Fiveतीन सौ पाँच Teen sau paanch३०५
306Three Hundred Sixतीन सौ छह Teen sau chhah३०६
307Three Hundred Sevenतीन सौ सात Teen sau saat३०७
308Three Hundred Eightतीन सौ आठ Teen sau aath३०८
309Three Hundred Nineतीन सौ नौ Teen sau nau३०९
310Three Hundred Tenतीन सौ दस Teen sau das३१०
311Three Hundred Elevenतीन सौ ग्यारह Teen sau gyaarah३११
312Three Hundred Twelveतीन सौ बारह Teen sau baarah३१२
313Three Hundred Thirteenतीन सौ तेरह Teen sau terah३१३
314Three Hundred Fourteenतीन सौ चौदह Teen sau chaudah३१४
315Three Hundred Fifteenतीन सौ पंद्रह Teen sau pandrah३१५
316Three Hundred Sixteenतीन सौ सोलह Teen sau solah३१६
317Three Hundred Seventeenतीन सौ सत्रह Teen sau satrah३१७
318Three Hundred Eighteenतीन सौ अठारह Teen sau athaarah३१८
319Three Hundred Nineteenतीन सौ उन्नीस Teen sau unnees३१९
320Three Hundred Twenty तीन सौ बीस Teen sau bees३२०
321Three Hundred Twenty Oneतीन सौ इक्कीस Teen sau ikkees३२१
322Three Hundred Twenty Twoतीन सौ बाईस Teen sau baees३२२
323Three Hundred Twenty Threeतीन सौ तेईस Teen sau teees३२३
324Three Hundred Twenty Fourतीन सौ चौबीस Teen sau chaubees३२४
325Three Hundred Twenty Fiveतीन सौ पच्चीस Teen sau pachchees३२५
326Three Hundred Twenty Sixतीन सौ छब्बीस Teen sau chhabbees३२६
327Three Hundred Twenty Sevenतीन सौ सत्ताईस Teen sau sattaees३२७
328Three Hundred Twenty Eightतीन सौ अट्ठाइस Teen sau atthais३२८
329Three Hundred Twenty Nineतीन सौ उन्तीस Teen sau untees३२९
330Three Hundred Thirty तीन सौ तीस Teen sau tees३३०
331Three Hundred Thirty Oneतीन सौ इकत्तीस Teen sau ikattees३३१
332Three Hundred Thirty Twoतीन सौ बत्तीस Teen sau battees३३२
333Three Hundred Thirty Threeतीन सौ तेंतीस Teen sau tentees३३३
334Three Hundred Thirty Fourतीन सौ चौंतीस Teen sau chauntees३३४
335Three Hundred Thirty Fiveतीन सौ पैंतीस Teen sau paintees३३५
336Three Hundred Thirty Sixतीन सौ छत्तीस Teen sau chhattees३३६
337Three Hundred Thirty Sevenतीन सौ सैंतीस Teen sau saintees३३७
338Three Hundred Thirty Eightतीन सौ अड़तीस Teen sau adatees३३८
339Three Hundred Thirty Nineतीन सौ उनतालीस Teen sau unataalees३३९
340Three Hundred Forty तीन सौ चालीस Teen sau chaalees३४०
341Three Hundred Forty Oneतीन सौ इकतालीस Teen sau ikataalees३४१
342Three Hundred Forty Twoतीन सौ बयालीस Teen sau bayaalees३४२
343Three Hundred Forty Threeतीन सौ तैंतालीस Teen sau taintaalees३४३
344Three Hundred Forty Fourतीन सौ चवालीस Teen sau chavaalees३४४
345Three Hundred Forty Fiveतीन सौ पैंतालीस Teen sau paintaalees३४५
346Three Hundred Forty Sixतीन सौ छियालीस Teen sau chhiyaalees३४६
347Three Hundred Forty Sevenतीन सौ सैंतालीस Teen sau saintaalees३४७
348Three Hundred Forty Eightतीन सौ अड़तालीस Teen sau adataalees३४८
349Three Hundred Forty Nineतीन सौ उनचास Teen sau unachaas३४९
350Three Hundred Fifty तीन सौ पचास Teen sau pachaas३५०
351Three Hundred Fifty Oneतीन सौ इक्यावन Teen sau ikyaavan३५१
352Three Hundred Fifty Twoतीन सौ बावन Teen sau baavan३५२
353Three Hundred Fifty Threeतीन सौ तिरपन Teen sau tirapan३५३
354Three Hundred Fifty Fourतीन सौ चौवन Teen sau chauvan३५४
355Three Hundred Fifty Fiveतीन सौ पचपन Teen sau pachapan३५५
356Three Hundred Fifty Sixतीन सौ छप्पन Teen sau chhappan३५६
357Three Hundred Fifty Sevenतीन सौ सत्तावन Teen sau sattaavan३५७
358Three Hundred Fifty Eightतीन सौ अट्ठावन Teen sau atthaavan३५८
359Three Hundred Fifty Nineतीन सौ उनसठ Teen sau unasath३५९
360Three Hundred Sixty तीन सौ साठ Teen sau saath३६०
361Three Hundred Sixty Oneतीन सौ इकसठ Teen sau ikasath३६१
362Three Hundred Sixty Twoतीन सौ बासठ Teen sau baasath३६२
363Three Hundred Sixty Threeतीन सौ तिरसठ Teen sau tirasath३६३
364Three Hundred Sixty Fourतीन सौ चौंसठ Teen sau chaunsath३६४
365Three Hundred Sixty Fiveतीन सौ पैसठ Teen sau paisath३६५
366Three Hundred Sixty Sixतीन सौ छियासठ Teen sau chhiyaasath३६६
367Three Hundred Sixty Sevenतीन सौ सड़सठ Teen sau sadasath३६७
368Three Hundred Sixty Eightतीन सौ अड़सठ Teen sau adasath३६८
369Three Hundred Sixty Nineतीन सौ उनहत्तर Teen sau unahattar३६९
370Three Hundred Seventy तीन सौ सत्तर Teen sau sattar३७०
371Three Hundred Seventy Oneतीन सौ इकहत्तर Teen sau ikahattar३७१
372Three Hundred Seventy Twoतीन सौ बहत्तर Teen sau bahattar३७२
373Three Hundred Seventy Threeतीन सौ तिहत्तर Teen sau tihattar३७३
374Three Hundred Seventy Fourतीन सौ चौहत्तर Teen sau chauhattar३७४
375Three Hundred Seventy Fiveतीन सौ पचहत्तर Teen sau pachahattar३७५
376Three Hundred Seventy Sixतीन सौ छिहत्तर Teen sau chhihattar३७६
377Three Hundred Seventy Sevenतीन सौ सतत्तर Teen sau satattar३७७
378Three Hundred Seventy Eightतीन सौ अठहत्तर Teen sau athahattar३७८
379Three Hundred Seventy Nineतीन सौ उन्यासी Teen sau unyaasee३७९
380Three Hundred Eighty तीन सौ अस्सी Teen sau assee३८०
381Three Hundred Eighty Oneतीन सौ इक्यासी Teen sau ikyaasee३८१
382Three Hundred Eighty Twoतीन सौ बयासी Teen sau bayaasee३८२
383Three Hundred Eighty Threeतीन सौ तिरासी Teen sau tiraasee३८३
384Three Hundred Eighty Fourतीन सौ चौरासी Teen sau chauraasee३८४
385Three Hundred Eighty Fiveतीन सौ पचासी Teen sau pachaasee३८५
386Three Hundred Eighty Sixतीन सौ छियासी Teen sau chhiyaasee३८६
387Three Hundred Eighty Sevenतीन सौ सत्तासी Teen sau sattaasee३८७
388Three Hundred Eighty Eightतीन सौ अठासी Teen sau athaasee३८८
389Three Hundred Eighty Nineतीन सौ नवासी Teen sau navaasee३८९
390Three Hundred Ninety तीन सौ नव्वे Teen sau navve३९०
391Three Hundred Ninety Oneतीन सौ इक्यानबे Teen sau ikyaanabe३९१
392Three Hundred Ninety Twoतीन सौ बयान्वे Teen sau bayaanve३९२
393Three Hundred Ninety Threeतीन सौ तिरानवे Teen sau tiraanave३९३
394Three Hundred Ninety Fourतीन सौ चौरानवे Teen sau chauraanave३९४
395Three Hundred Ninety Fiveतीन सौ पंचानवे Teen sau panchaanave३९५
396Three Hundred Ninety Sixतीन सौ छियानबे Teen sau chhiyaanabe३९६
397Three Hundred Ninety Sevenतीन सौ सत्तानवे Teen sau sattaanave३९७
398Three Hundred Ninety Eightतीन सौ अठानवे Teen sau athaanave३९८
399Three Hundred Ninety Nineतीन सौ निन्यानवे Teen sau ninyaanave३९९
400Four Hundred चार सौ  Chaar sau४००
401Four Hundred Oneचार सौ एक Chaar sau ek४०१
402Four Hundred Twoचार सौ दो Chaar sau do४०२
403Four Hundred Threeचार सौ तीन Chaar sau teen४०३
404Four Hundred Fourचार सौ चार Chaar sau chaar४०४
405Four Hundred Fiveचार सौ पाँच Chaar sau paanch४०५
406Four Hundred Sixचार सौ छह Chaar sau chhah४०६
407Four Hundred Sevenचार सौ सात Chaar sau saat४०७
408Four Hundred Eightचार सौ आठ Chaar sau aath४०८
409Four Hundred Nineचार सौ नौ Chaar sau nau४०९
410Four Hundred Tenचार सौ दस Chaar sau das४१०
411Four Hundred Elevenचार सौ ग्यारह Chaar sau gyaarah४११
412Four Hundred Twelveचार सौ बारह Chaar sau baarah४१२
413Four Hundred Thirteenचार सौ तेरह Chaar sau terah४१३
414Four Hundred Fourteenचार सौ चौदह Chaar sau chaudah४१४
415Four Hundred Fifteenचार सौ पंद्रह Chaar sau pandrah४१५
416Four Hundred Sixteenचार सौ सोलह Chaar sau solah४१६
417Four Hundred Seventeenचार सौ सत्रह Chaar sau satrah४१७
418Four Hundred Eighteenचार सौ अठारह Chaar sau athaarah४१८
419Four Hundred Nineteenचार सौ उन्नीस Chaar sau unnees४१९
420Four Hundred Twenty चार सौ बीस Chaar sau bees४२०
421Four Hundred Twenty Oneचार सौ इक्कीस Chaar sau ikkees४२१
422Four Hundred Twenty Twoचार सौ बाईस Chaar sau baees४२२
423Four Hundred Twenty Threeचार सौ तेईस Chaar sau teees४२३
424Four Hundred Twenty Fourचार सौ चौबीस Chaar sau chaubees४२४
425Four Hundred Twenty Fiveचार सौ पच्चीस Chaar sau pachchees४२५
426Four Hundred Twenty Sixचार सौ छब्बीस Chaar sau chhabbees४२६
427Four Hundred Twenty Sevenचार सौ सत्ताईस Chaar sau sattaees४२७
428Four Hundred Twenty Eightचार सौ अट्ठाइस Chaar sau atthais४२८
429Four Hundred Twenty Nineचार सौ उन्तीस Chaar sau untees४२९
430Four Hundred Thirty चार सौ तीस Chaar sau tees४३०
431Four Hundred Thirty Oneचार सौ इकत्तीस Chaar sau ikattees४३१
432Four Hundred Thirty Twoचार सौ बत्तीस Chaar sau battees४३२
433Four Hundred Thirty Threeचार सौ तेंतीस Chaar sau tentees४३३
434Four Hundred Thirty Fourचार सौ चौंतीस Chaar sau chauntees४३४
435Four Hundred Thirty Fiveचार सौ पैंतीस Chaar sau paintees४३५
436Four Hundred Thirty Sixचार सौ छत्तीस Chaar sau chhattees४३६
437Four Hundred Thirty Sevenचार सौ सैंतीस Chaar sau saintees४३७
438Four Hundred Thirty Eightचार सौ अड़तीस Chaar sau adatees४३८
439Four Hundred Thirty Nineचार सौ उनतालीस Chaar sau unataalees४३९
440Four Hundred Forty चार सौ चालीस Chaar sau chaalees४४०
441Four Hundred Forty Oneचार सौ इकतालीस Chaar sau ikataalees४४१
442Four Hundred Forty Twoचार सौ बयालीस Chaar sau bayaalees४४२
443Four Hundred Forty Threeचार सौ तैंतालीस Chaar sau taintaalees४४३
444Four Hundred Forty Fourचार सौ चवालीस Chaar sau chavaalees४४४
445Four Hundred Forty Fiveचार सौ पैंतालीस Chaar sau paintaalees४४५
446Four Hundred Forty Sixचार सौ छियालीस Chaar sau chhiyaalees४४६
447Four Hundred Forty Sevenचार सौ सैंतालीस Chaar sau saintaalees४४७
448Four Hundred Forty Eightचार सौ अड़तालीस Chaar sau adataalees४४८
449Four Hundred Forty Nineचार सौ उनचास Chaar sau unachaas४४९
450Four Hundred Fifty चार सौ पचास Chaar sau pachaas४५०
451Four Hundred Fifty Oneचार सौ इक्यावन Chaar sau ikyaavan४५१
452Four Hundred Fifty Twoचार सौ बावन Chaar sau baavan४५२
453Four Hundred Fifty Threeचार सौ तिरपन Chaar sau tirapan४५३
454Four Hundred Fifty Fourचार सौ चौवन Chaar sau chauvan४५४
455Four Hundred Fifty Fiveचार सौ पचपन Chaar sau pachapan४५५
456Four Hundred Fifty Sixचार सौ छप्पन Chaar sau chhappan४५६
457Four Hundred Fifty Sevenचार सौ सत्तावन Chaar sau sattaavan४५७
458Four Hundred Fifty Eightचार सौ अट्ठावन Chaar sau atthaavan४५८
459Four Hundred Fifty Nineचार सौ उनसठ Chaar sau unasath४५९
460Four Hundred Sixty चार सौ साठ Chaar sau saath४६०
461Four Hundred Sixty Oneचार सौ इकसठ Chaar sau ikasath४६१
462Four Hundred Sixty Twoचार सौ बासठ Chaar sau baasath४६२
463Four Hundred Sixty Threeचार सौ तिरसठ Chaar sau tirasath४६३
464Four Hundred Sixty Fourचार सौ चौंसठ Chaar sau chaunsath४६४
465Four Hundred Sixty Fiveचार सौ पैसठ Chaar sau paisath४६५
466Four Hundred Sixty Sixचार सौ छियासठ Chaar sau chhiyaasath४६६
467Four Hundred Sixty Sevenचार सौ सड़सठ Chaar sau sadasath४६७
468Four Hundred Sixty Eightचार सौ अड़सठ Chaar sau adasath४६८
469Four Hundred Sixty Nineचार सौ उनहत्तर Chaar sau unahattar४६९
470Four Hundred Seventy चार सौ सत्तर Chaar sau sattar४७०
471Four Hundred Seventy Oneचार सौ इकहत्तर Chaar sau ikahattar४७१
472Four Hundred Seventy Twoचार सौ बहत्तर Chaar sau bahattar४७२
473Four Hundred Seventy Threeचार सौ तिहत्तर Chaar sau tihattar४७३
474Four Hundred Seventy Fourचार सौ चौहत्तर Chaar sau chauhattar४७४
475Four Hundred Seventy Fiveचार सौ पचहत्तर Chaar sau pachahattar४७५
476Four Hundred Seventy Sixचार सौ छिहत्तर Chaar sau chhihattar४७६
477Four Hundred Seventy Sevenचार सौ सतत्तर Chaar sau satattar४७७
478Four Hundred Seventy Eightचार सौ अठहत्तर Chaar sau athahattar४७८
479Four Hundred Seventy Nineचार सौ उन्यासी Chaar sau unyaasee४७९
480Four Hundred Eighty चार सौ अस्सी Chaar sau assee४८०
481Four Hundred Eighty Oneचार सौ इक्यासी Chaar sau ikyaasee४८१
482Four Hundred Eighty Twoचार सौ बयासी Chaar sau bayaasee४८२
483Four Hundred Eighty Threeचार सौ तिरासी Chaar sau tiraasee४८३
484Four Hundred Eighty Fourचार सौ चौरासी Chaar sau chauraasee४८४
485Four Hundred Eighty Fiveचार सौ पचासी Chaar sau pachaasee४८५
486Four Hundred Eighty Sixचार सौ छियासी Chaar sau chhiyaasee४८६
487Four Hundred Eighty Sevenचार सौ सत्तासी Chaar sau sattaasee४८७
488Four Hundred Eighty Eightचार सौ अठासी Chaar sau athaasee४८८
489Four Hundred Eighty Nineचार सौ नवासी Chaar sau navaasee४८९
490Four Hundred Ninety चार सौ नव्वे Chaar sau navve४९०
491Four Hundred Ninety Oneचार सौ इक्यानबे Chaar sau ikyaanabe४९१
492Four Hundred Ninety Twoचार सौ बयान्वे Chaar sau bayaanve४९२
493Four Hundred Ninety Threeचार सौ तिरानवे Chaar sau tiraanave४९३
494Four Hundred Ninety Fourचार सौ चौरानवे Chaar sau chauraanave४९४
495Four Hundred Ninety Fiveचार सौ पंचानवे Chaar sau panchaanave४९५
496Four Hundred Ninety Sixचार सौ छियानबे Chaar sau chhiyaanabe४९६
497Four Hundred Ninety Sevenचार सौ सत्तानवे Chaar sau sattaanave४९७
498Four Hundred Ninety Eightचार सौ अठानवे Chaar sau athaanave४९८
499Four Hundred Ninety Nineचार सौ निन्यानवे Chaar sau ninyaanave४९९
500Five Hundred पाँच सौ  Paanch sau५००
501Five Hundred Oneपाँच सौ एक Paanch sau ek५०१
502Five Hundred Twoपाँच सौ दो Paanch sau do५०२
503Five Hundred Threeपाँच सौ तीन Paanch sau teen५०३
504Five Hundred Fourपाँच सौ चार Paanch sau chaar५०४
505Five Hundred Fiveपाँच सौ पाँच Paanch sau paanch५०५
506Five Hundred Sixपाँच सौ छह Paanch sau chhah५०६
507Five Hundred Sevenपाँच सौ सात Paanch sau saat५०७
508Five Hundred Eightपाँच सौ आठ Paanch sau aath५०८
509Five Hundred Nineपाँच सौ नौ Paanch sau nau५०९
510Five Hundred Tenपाँच सौ दस Paanch sau das५१०
511Five Hundred Elevenपाँच सौ ग्यारह Paanch sau gyaarah५११
512Five Hundred Twelveपाँच सौ बारह Paanch sau baarah५१२
513Five Hundred Thirteenपाँच सौ तेरह Paanch sau terah५१३
514Five Hundred Fourteenपाँच सौ चौदह Paanch sau chaudah५१४
515Five Hundred Fifteenपाँच सौ पंद्रह Paanch sau pandrah५१५
516Five Hundred Sixteenपाँच सौ सोलह Paanch sau solah५१६
517Five Hundred Seventeenपाँच सौ सत्रह Paanch sau satrah५१७
518Five Hundred Eighteenपाँच सौ अठारह Paanch sau athaarah५१८
519Five Hundred Nineteenपाँच सौ उन्नीस Paanch sau unnees५१९
520Five Hundred Twenty पाँच सौ बीस Paanch sau bees५२०
521Five Hundred Twenty Oneपाँच सौ इक्कीस Paanch sau ikkees५२१
522Five Hundred Twenty Twoपाँच सौ बाईस Paanch sau baees५२२
523Five Hundred Twenty Threeपाँच सौ तेईस Paanch sau teees५२३
524Five Hundred Twenty Fourपाँच सौ चौबीस Paanch sau chaubees५२४
525Five Hundred Twenty Fiveपाँच सौ पच्चीस Paanch sau pachchees५२५
526Five Hundred Twenty Sixपाँच सौ छब्बीस Paanch sau chhabbees५२६
527Five Hundred Twenty Sevenपाँच सौ सत्ताईस Paanch sau sattaees५२७
528Five Hundred Twenty Eightपाँच सौ अट्ठाइस Paanch sau atthais५२८
529Five Hundred Twenty Nineपाँच सौ उन्तीस Paanch sau untees५२९
530Five Hundred Thirty पाँच सौ तीस Paanch sau tees५३०
531Five Hundred Thirty Oneपाँच सौ इकत्तीस Paanch sau ikattees५३१
532Five Hundred Thirty Twoपाँच सौ बत्तीस Paanch sau battees५३२
533Five Hundred Thirty Threeपाँच सौ तेंतीस Paanch sau tentees५३३
534Five Hundred Thirty Fourपाँच सौ चौंतीस Paanch sau chauntees५३४
535Five Hundred Thirty Fiveपाँच सौ पैंतीस Paanch sau paintees५३५
536Five Hundred Thirty Sixपाँच सौ छत्तीस Paanch sau chhattees५३६
537Five Hundred Thirty Sevenपाँच सौ सैंतीस Paanch sau saintees५३७
538Five Hundred Thirty Eightपाँच सौ अड़तीस Paanch sau adatees५३८
539Five Hundred Thirty Nineपाँच सौ उनतालीस Paanch sau unataalees५३९
540Five Hundred Forty पाँच सौ चालीस Paanch sau chaalees५४०
541Five Hundred Forty Oneपाँच सौ इकतालीस Paanch sau ikataalees५४१
542Five Hundred Forty Twoपाँच सौ बयालीस Paanch sau bayaalees५४२
543Five Hundred Forty Threeपाँच सौ तैंतालीस Paanch sau taintaalees५४३
544Five Hundred Forty Fourपाँच सौ चवालीस Paanch sau chavaalees५४४
545Five Hundred Forty Fiveपाँच सौ पैंतालीस Paanch sau paintaalees५४५
546Five Hundred Forty Sixपाँच सौ छियालीस Paanch sau chhiyaalees५४६
547Five Hundred Forty Sevenपाँच सौ सैंतालीस Paanch sau saintaalees५४७
548Five Hundred Forty Eightपाँच सौ अड़तालीस Paanch sau adataalees५४८
549Five Hundred Forty Nineपाँच सौ उनचास Paanch sau unachaas५४९
550Five Hundred Fifty पाँच सौ पचास Paanch sau pachaas५५०
551Five Hundred Fifty Oneपाँच सौ इक्यावन Paanch sau ikyaavan५५१
552Five Hundred Fifty Twoपाँच सौ बावन Paanch sau baavan५५२
553Five Hundred Fifty Threeपाँच सौ तिरपन Paanch sau tirapan५५३
554Five Hundred Fifty Fourपाँच सौ चौवन Paanch sau chauvan५५४
555Five Hundred Fifty Fiveपाँच सौ पचपन Paanch sau pachapan५५५
556Five Hundred Fifty Sixपाँच सौ छप्पन Paanch sau chhappan५५६
557Five Hundred Fifty Sevenपाँच सौ सत्तावन Paanch sau sattaavan५५७
558Five Hundred Fifty Eightपाँच सौ अट्ठावन Paanch sau atthaavan५५८
559Five Hundred Fifty Nineपाँच सौ उनसठ Paanch sau unasath५५९
560Five Hundred Sixty पाँच सौ साठ Paanch sau saath५६०
561Five Hundred Sixty Oneपाँच सौ इकसठ Paanch sau ikasath५६१
562Five Hundred Sixty Twoपाँच सौ बासठ Paanch sau baasath५६२
563Five Hundred Sixty Threeपाँच सौ तिरसठ Paanch sau tirasath५६३
564Five Hundred Sixty Fourपाँच सौ चौंसठ Paanch sau chaunsath५६४
565Five Hundred Sixty Fiveपाँच सौ पैसठ Paanch sau paisath५६५
566Five Hundred Sixty Sixपाँच सौ छियासठ Paanch sau chhiyaasath५६६
567Five Hundred Sixty Sevenपाँच सौ सड़सठ Paanch sau sadasath५६७
568Five Hundred Sixty Eightपाँच सौ अड़सठ Paanch sau adasath५६८
569Five Hundred Sixty Nineपाँच सौ उनहत्तर Paanch sau unahattar५६९
570Five Hundred Seventy पाँच सौ सत्तर Paanch sau sattar५७०
571Five Hundred Seventy Oneपाँच सौ इकहत्तर Paanch sau ikahattar५७१
572Five Hundred Seventy Twoपाँच सौ बहत्तर Paanch sau bahattar५७२
573Five Hundred Seventy Threeपाँच सौ तिहत्तर Paanch sau tihattar५७३
574Five Hundred Seventy Fourपाँच सौ चौहत्तर Paanch sau chauhattar५७४
575Five Hundred Seventy Fiveपाँच सौ पचहत्तर Paanch sau pachahattar५७५
576Five Hundred Seventy Sixपाँच सौ छिहत्तर Paanch sau chhihattar५७६
577Five Hundred Seventy Sevenपाँच सौ सतत्तर Paanch sau satattar५७७
578Five Hundred Seventy Eightपाँच सौ अठहत्तर Paanch sau athahattar५७८
579Five Hundred Seventy Nineपाँच सौ उन्यासी Paanch sau unyaasee५७९
580Five Hundred Eighty पाँच सौ अस्सी Paanch sau assee५८०
581Five Hundred Eighty Oneपाँच सौ इक्यासी Paanch sau ikyaasee५८१
582Five Hundred Eighty Twoपाँच सौ बयासी Paanch sau bayaasee५८२
583Five Hundred Eighty Threeपाँच सौ तिरासी Paanch sau tiraasee५८३
584Five Hundred Eighty Fourपाँच सौ चौरासी Paanch sau chauraasee५८४
585Five Hundred Eighty Fiveपाँच सौ पचासी Paanch sau pachaasee५८५
586Five Hundred Eighty Sixपाँच सौ छियासी Paanch sau chhiyaasee५८६
587Five Hundred Eighty Sevenपाँच सौ सत्तासी Paanch sau sattaasee५८७
588Five Hundred Eighty Eightपाँच सौ अठासी Paanch sau athaasee५८८
589Five Hundred Eighty Nineपाँच सौ नवासी Paanch sau navaasee५८९
590Five Hundred Ninety पाँच सौ नव्वे Paanch sau navve५९०
591Five Hundred Ninety Oneपाँच सौ इक्यानबे Paanch sau ikyaanabe५९१
592Five Hundred Ninety Twoपाँच सौ बयान्वे Paanch sau bayaanve५९२
593Five Hundred Ninety Threeपाँच सौ तिरानवे Paanch sau tiraanave५९३
594Five Hundred Ninety Fourपाँच सौ चौरानवे Paanch sau chauraanave५९४
595Five Hundred Ninety Fiveपाँच सौ पंचानवे Paanch sau panchaanave५९५
596Five Hundred Ninety Sixपाँच सौ छियानबे Paanch sau chhiyaanabe५९६
597Five Hundred Ninety Sevenपाँच सौ सत्तानवे Paanch sau sattaanave५९७
598Five Hundred Ninety Eightपाँच सौ अठानवे Paanch sau athaanave५९८
599Five Hundred Ninety Nineपाँच सौ निन्यानवे Paanch sau ninyaanave५९९
600Six Hundred छह सौ  Chhah sau६००
601Six Hundred Oneछह सौ एक Chhah sau ek६०१
602Six Hundred Twoछह सौ दो Chhah sau do६०२
603Six Hundred Threeछह सौ तीन Chhah sau teen६०३
604Six Hundred Fourछह सौ चार Chhah sau chaar६०४
605Six Hundred Fiveछह सौ पाँच Chhah sau paanch६०५
606Six Hundred Sixछह सौ छह Chhah sau chhah६०६
607Six Hundred Sevenछह सौ सात Chhah sau saat६०७
608Six Hundred Eightछह सौ आठ Chhah sau aath६०८
609Six Hundred Nineछह सौ नौ Chhah sau nau६०९
610Six Hundred Tenछह सौ दस Chhah sau das६१०
611Six Hundred Elevenछह सौ ग्यारह Chhah sau gyaarah६११
612Six Hundred Twelveछह सौ बारह Chhah sau baarah६१२
613Six Hundred Thirteenछह सौ तेरह Chhah sau terah६१३
614Six Hundred Fourteenछह सौ चौदह Chhah sau chaudah६१४
615Six Hundred Fifteenछह सौ पंद्रह Chhah sau pandrah६१५
616Six Hundred Sixteenछह सौ सोलह Chhah sau solah६१६
617Six Hundred Seventeenछह सौ सत्रह Chhah sau satrah६१७
618Six Hundred Eighteenछह सौ अठारह Chhah sau athaarah६१८
619Six Hundred Nineteenछह सौ उन्नीस Chhah sau unnees६१९
620Six Hundred Twenty छह सौ बीस Chhah sau bees६२०
621Six Hundred Twenty Oneछह सौ इक्कीस Chhah sau ikkees६२१
622Six Hundred Twenty Twoछह सौ बाईस Chhah sau baees६२२
623Six Hundred Twenty Threeछह सौ तेईस Chhah sau teees६२३
624Six Hundred Twenty Fourछह सौ चौबीस Chhah sau chaubees६२४
625Six Hundred Twenty Fiveछह सौ पच्चीस Chhah sau pachchees६२५
626Six Hundred Twenty Sixछह सौ छब्बीस Chhah sau chhabbees६२६
627Six Hundred Twenty Sevenछह सौ सत्ताईस Chhah sau sattaees६२७
628Six Hundred Twenty Eightछह सौ अट्ठाइस Chhah sau atthais६२८
629Six Hundred Twenty Nineछह सौ उन्तीस Chhah sau untees६२९
630Six Hundred Thirty छह सौ तीस Chhah sau tees६३०
631Six Hundred Thirty Oneछह सौ इकत्तीस Chhah sau ikattees६३१
632Six Hundred Thirty Twoछह सौ बत्तीस Chhah sau battees६३२
633Six Hundred Thirty Threeछह सौ तेंतीस Chhah sau tentees६३३
634Six Hundred Thirty Fourछह सौ चौंतीस Chhah sau chauntees६३४
635Six Hundred Thirty Fiveछह सौ पैंतीस Chhah sau paintees६३५
636Six Hundred Thirty Sixछह सौ छत्तीस Chhah sau chhattees६३६
637Six Hundred Thirty Sevenछह सौ सैंतीस Chhah sau saintees६३७
638Six Hundred Thirty Eightछह सौ अड़तीस Chhah sau adatees६३८
639Six Hundred Thirty Nineछह सौ उनतालीस Chhah sau unataalees६३९
640Six Hundred Forty छह सौ चालीस Chhah sau chaalees६४०
641Six Hundred Forty Oneछह सौ इकतालीस Chhah sau ikataalees६४१
642Six Hundred Forty Twoछह सौ बयालीस Chhah sau bayaalees६४२
643Six Hundred Forty Threeछह सौ तैंतालीस Chhah sau taintaalees६४३
644Six Hundred Forty Fourछह सौ चवालीस Chhah sau chavaalees६४४
645Six Hundred Forty Fiveछह सौ पैंतालीस Chhah sau paintaalees६४५
646Six Hundred Forty Sixछह सौ छियालीस Chhah sau chhiyaalees६४६
647Six Hundred Forty Sevenछह सौ सैंतालीस Chhah sau saintaalees६४७
648Six Hundred Forty Eightछह सौ अड़तालीस Chhah sau adataalees६४८
649Six Hundred Forty Nineछह सौ उनचास Chhah sau unachaas६४९
650Six Hundred Fifty छह सौ पचास Chhah sau pachaas६५०
651Six Hundred Fifty Oneछह सौ इक्यावन Chhah sau ikyaavan६५१
652Six Hundred Fifty Twoछह सौ बावन Chhah sau baavan६५२
653Six Hundred Fifty Threeछह सौ तिरपन Chhah sau tirapan६५३
654Six Hundred Fifty Fourछह सौ चौवन Chhah sau chauvan६५४
655Six Hundred Fifty Fiveछह सौ पचपन Chhah sau pachapan६५५
656Six Hundred Fifty Sixछह सौ छप्पन Chhah sau chhappan६५६
657Six Hundred Fifty Sevenछह सौ सत्तावन Chhah sau sattaavan६५७
658Six Hundred Fifty Eightछह सौ अट्ठावन Chhah sau atthaavan६५८
659Six Hundred Fifty Nineछह सौ उनसठ Chhah sau unasath६५९
660Six Hundred Sixty छह सौ साठ Chhah sau saath६६०
661Six Hundred Sixty Oneछह सौ इकसठ Chhah sau ikasath६६१
662Six Hundred Sixty Twoछह सौ बासठ Chhah sau baasath६६२
663Six Hundred Sixty Threeछह सौ तिरसठ Chhah sau tirasath६६३
664Six Hundred Sixty Fourछह सौ चौंसठ Chhah sau chaunsath६६४
665Six Hundred Sixty Fiveछह सौ पैसठ Chhah sau paisath६६५
666Six Hundred Sixty Sixछह सौ छियासठ Chhah sau chhiyaasath६६६
667Six Hundred Sixty Sevenछह सौ सड़सठ Chhah sau sadasath६६७
668Six Hundred Sixty Eightछह सौ अड़सठ Chhah sau adasath६६८
669Six Hundred Sixty Nineछह सौ उनहत्तर Chhah sau unahattar६६९
670Six Hundred Seventy छह सौ सत्तर Chhah sau sattar६७०
671Six Hundred Seventy Oneछह सौ इकहत्तर Chhah sau ikahattar६७१
672Six Hundred Seventy Twoछह सौ बहत्तर Chhah sau bahattar६७२
673Six Hundred Seventy Threeछह सौ तिहत्तर Chhah sau tihattar६७३
674Six Hundred Seventy Fourछह सौ चौहत्तर Chhah sau chauhattar६७४
675Six Hundred Seventy Fiveछह सौ पचहत्तर Chhah sau pachahattar६७५
676Six Hundred Seventy Sixछह सौ छिहत्तर Chhah sau chhihattar६७६
677Six Hundred Seventy Sevenछह सौ सतत्तर Chhah sau satattar६७७
678Six Hundred Seventy Eightछह सौ अठहत्तर Chhah sau athahattar६७८
679Six Hundred Seventy Nineछह सौ उन्यासी Chhah sau unyaasee६७९
680Six Hundred Eighty छह सौ अस्सी Chhah sau assee६८०
681Six Hundred Eighty Oneछह सौ इक्यासी Chhah sau ikyaasee६८१
682Six Hundred Eighty Twoछह सौ बयासी Chhah sau bayaasee६८२
683Six Hundred Eighty Threeछह सौ तिरासी Chhah sau tiraasee६८३
684Six Hundred Eighty Fourछह सौ चौरासी Chhah sau chauraasee६८४
685Six Hundred Eighty Fiveछह सौ पचासी Chhah sau pachaasee६८५
686Six Hundred Eighty Sixछह सौ छियासी Chhah sau chhiyaasee६८६
687Six Hundred Eighty Sevenछह सौ सत्तासी Chhah sau sattaasee६८७
688Six Hundred Eighty Eightछह सौ अठासी Chhah sau athaasee६८८
689Six Hundred Eighty Nineछह सौ नवासी Chhah sau navaasee६८९
690Six Hundred Ninety छह सौ नव्वे Chhah sau navve६९०
691Six Hundred Ninety Oneछह सौ इक्यानबे Chhah sau ikyaanabe६९१
692Six Hundred Ninety Twoछह सौ बयान्वे Chhah sau bayaanve६९२
693Six Hundred Ninety Threeछह सौ तिरानवे Chhah sau tiraanave६९३
694Six Hundred Ninety Fourछह सौ चौरानवे Chhah sau chauraanave६९४
695Six Hundred Ninety Fiveछह सौ पंचानवे Chhah sau panchaanave६९५
696Six Hundred Ninety Sixछह सौ छियानबे Chhah sau chhiyaanabe६९६
697Six Hundred Ninety Sevenछह सौ सत्तानवे Chhah sau sattaanave६९७
698Six Hundred Ninety Eightछह सौ अठानवे Chhah sau athaanave६९८
699Six Hundred Ninety Nineछह सौ निन्यानवे Chhah sau ninyaanave६९९
700Seven Hundred सात सौ  Saat sau७००
701Seven Hundred Oneसात सौ एक Saat sau ek७०१
702Seven Hundred Twoसात सौ दो Saat sau do७०२
703Seven Hundred Threeसात सौ तीन Saat sau teen७०३
704Seven Hundred Fourसात सौ चार Saat sau chaar७०४
705Seven Hundred Fiveसात सौ पाँच Saat sau paanch७०५
706Seven Hundred Sixसात सौ छह Saat sau chhah७०६
707Seven Hundred Sevenसात सौ सात Saat sau saat७०७
708Seven Hundred Eightसात सौ आठ Saat sau aath७०८
709Seven Hundred Nineसात सौ नौ Saat sau nau७०९
710Seven Hundred Tenसात सौ दस Saat sau das७१०
711Seven Hundred Elevenसात सौ ग्यारह Saat sau gyaarah७११
712Seven Hundred Twelveसात सौ बारह Saat sau baarah७१२
713Seven Hundred Thirteenसात सौ तेरह Saat sau terah७१३
714Seven Hundred Fourteenसात सौ चौदह Saat sau chaudah७१४
715Seven Hundred Fifteenसात सौ पंद्रह Saat sau pandrah७१५
716Seven Hundred Sixteenसात सौ सोलह Saat sau solah७१६
717Seven Hundred Seventeenसात सौ सत्रह Saat sau satrah७१७
718Seven Hundred Eighteenसात सौ अठारह Saat sau athaarah७१८
719Seven Hundred Nineteenसात सौ उन्नीस Saat sau unnees७१९
720Seven Hundred Twenty सात सौ बीस Saat sau bees७२०
721Seven Hundred Twenty Oneसात सौ इक्कीस Saat sau ikkees७२१
722Seven Hundred Twenty Twoसात सौ बाईस Saat sau baees७२२
723Seven Hundred Twenty Threeसात सौ तेईस Saat sau teees७२३
724Seven Hundred Twenty Fourसात सौ चौबीस Saat sau chaubees७२४
725Seven Hundred Twenty Fiveसात सौ पच्चीस Saat sau pachchees७२५
726Seven Hundred Twenty Sixसात सौ छब्बीस Saat sau chhabbees७२६
727Seven Hundred Twenty Sevenसात सौ सत्ताईस Saat sau sattaees७२७
728Seven Hundred Twenty Eightसात सौ अट्ठाइस Saat sau atthais७२८
729Seven Hundred Twenty Nineसात सौ उन्तीस Saat sau untees७२९
730Seven Hundred Thirty सात सौ तीस Saat sau tees७३०
731Seven Hundred Thirty Oneसात सौ इकत्तीस Saat sau ikattees७३१
732Seven Hundred Thirty Twoसात सौ बत्तीस Saat sau battees७३२
733Seven Hundred Thirty Threeसात सौ तेंतीस Saat sau tentees७३३
734Seven Hundred Thirty Fourसात सौ चौंतीस Saat sau chauntees७३४
735Seven Hundred Thirty Fiveसात सौ पैंतीस Saat sau paintees७३५
736Seven Hundred Thirty Sixसात सौ छत्तीस Saat sau chhattees७३६
737Seven Hundred Thirty Sevenसात सौ सैंतीस Saat sau saintees७३७
738Seven Hundred Thirty Eightसात सौ अड़तीस Saat sau adatees७३८
739Seven Hundred Thirty Nineसात सौ उनतालीस Saat sau unataalees७३९
740Seven Hundred Forty सात सौ चालीस Saat sau chaalees७४०
741Seven Hundred Forty Oneसात सौ इकतालीस Saat sau ikataalees७४१
742Seven Hundred Forty Twoसात सौ बयालीस Saat sau bayaalees७४२
743Seven Hundred Forty Threeसात सौ तैंतालीस Saat sau taintaalees७४३
744Seven Hundred Forty Fourसात सौ चवालीस Saat sau chavaalees७४४
745Seven Hundred Forty Fiveसात सौ पैंतालीस Saat sau paintaalees७४५
746Seven Hundred Forty Sixसात सौ छियालीस Saat sau chhiyaalees७४६
747Seven Hundred Forty Sevenसात सौ सैंतालीस Saat sau saintaalees७४७
748Seven Hundred Forty Eightसात सौ अड़तालीस Saat sau adataalees७४८
749Seven Hundred Forty Nineसात सौ उनचास Saat sau unachaas७४९
750Seven Hundred Fifty सात सौ पचास Saat sau pachaas७५०
751Seven Hundred Fifty Oneसात सौ इक्यावन Saat sau ikyaavan७५१
752Seven Hundred Fifty Twoसात सौ बावन Saat sau baavan७५२
753Seven Hundred Fifty Threeसात सौ तिरपन Saat sau tirapan७५३
754Seven Hundred Fifty Fourसात सौ चौवन Saat sau chauvan७५४
755Seven Hundred Fifty Fiveसात सौ पचपन Saat sau pachapan७५५
756Seven Hundred Fifty Sixसात सौ छप्पन Saat sau chhappan७५६
757Seven Hundred Fifty Sevenसात सौ सत्तावन Saat sau sattaavan७५७
758Seven Hundred Fifty Eightसात सौ अट्ठावन Saat sau atthaavan७५८
759Seven Hundred Fifty Nineसात सौ उनसठ Saat sau unasath७५९
760Seven Hundred Sixty सात सौ साठ Saat sau saath७६०
761Seven Hundred Sixty Oneसात सौ इकसठ Saat sau ikasath७६१
762Seven Hundred Sixty Twoसात सौ बासठ Saat sau baasath७६२
763Seven Hundred Sixty Threeसात सौ तिरसठ Saat sau tirasath७६३
764Seven Hundred Sixty Fourसात सौ चौंसठ Saat sau chaunsath७६४
765Seven Hundred Sixty Fiveसात सौ पैसठ Saat sau paisath७६५
766Seven Hundred Sixty Sixसात सौ छियासठ Saat sau chhiyaasath७६६
767Seven Hundred Sixty Sevenसात सौ सड़सठ Saat sau sadasath७६७
768Seven Hundred Sixty Eightसात सौ अड़सठ Saat sau adasath७६८
769Seven Hundred Sixty Nineसात सौ उनहत्तर Saat sau unahattar७६९
770Seven Hundred Seventy सात सौ सत्तर Saat sau sattar७७०
771Seven Hundred Seventy Oneसात सौ इकहत्तर Saat sau ikahattar७७१
772Seven Hundred Seventy Twoसात सौ बहत्तर Saat sau bahattar७७२
773Seven Hundred Seventy Threeसात सौ तिहत्तर Saat sau tihattar७७३
774Seven Hundred Seventy Fourसात सौ चौहत्तर Saat sau chauhattar७७४
775Seven Hundred Seventy Fiveसात सौ पचहत्तर Saat sau pachahattar७७५
776Seven Hundred Seventy Sixसात सौ छिहत्तर Saat sau chhihattar७७६
777Seven Hundred Seventy Sevenसात सौ सतत्तर Saat sau satattar७७७
778Seven Hundred Seventy Eightसात सौ अठहत्तर Saat sau athahattar७७८
779Seven Hundred Seventy Nineसात सौ उन्यासी Saat sau unyaasee७७९
780Seven Hundred Eighty सात सौ अस्सी Saat sau assee७८०
781Seven Hundred Eighty Oneसात सौ इक्यासी Saat sau ikyaasee७८१
782Seven Hundred Eighty Twoसात सौ बयासी Saat sau bayaasee७८२
783Seven Hundred Eighty Threeसात सौ तिरासी Saat sau tiraasee७८३
784Seven Hundred Eighty Fourसात सौ चौरासी Saat sau chauraasee७८४
785Seven Hundred Eighty Fiveसात सौ पचासी Saat sau pachaasee७८५
786Seven Hundred Eighty Sixसात सौ छियासी Saat sau chhiyaasee७८६
787Seven Hundred Eighty Sevenसात सौ सत्तासी Saat sau sattaasee७८७
788Seven Hundred Eighty Eightसात सौ अठासी Saat sau athaasee७८८
789Seven Hundred Eighty Nineसात सौ नवासी Saat sau navaasee७८९
790Seven Hundred Ninety सात सौ नव्वे Saat sau navve७९०
791Seven Hundred Ninety Oneसात सौ इक्यानबे Saat sau ikyaanabe७९१
792Seven Hundred Ninety Twoसात सौ बयान्वे Saat sau bayaanve७९२
793Seven Hundred Ninety Threeसात सौ तिरानवे Saat sau tiraanave७९३
794Seven Hundred Ninety Fourसात सौ चौरानवे Saat sau chauraanave७९४
795Seven Hundred Ninety Fiveसात सौ पंचानवे Saat sau panchaanave७९५
796Seven Hundred Ninety Sixसात सौ छियानबे Saat sau chhiyaanabe७९६
797Seven Hundred Ninety Sevenसात सौ सत्तानवे Saat sau sattaanave७९७
798Seven Hundred Ninety Eightसात सौ अठानवे Saat sau athaanave७९८
799Seven Hundred Ninety Nineसात सौ निन्यानवे Saat sau ninyaanave७९९
800Eight Hundred आठ सौ  Aath sau८००
801Eight Hundred Oneआठ सौ एक Aath sau ek८०१
802Eight Hundred Twoआठ सौ दो Aath sau do८०२
803Eight Hundred Threeआठ सौ तीन Aath sau teen८०३
804Eight Hundred Fourआठ सौ चार Aath sau chaar८०४
805Eight Hundred Fiveआठ सौ पाँच Aath sau paanch८०५
806Eight Hundred Sixआठ सौ छह Aath sau chhah८०६
807Eight Hundred Sevenआठ सौ सात Aath sau saat८०७
808Eight Hundred Eightआठ सौ आठ Aath sau aath८०८
809Eight Hundred Nineआठ सौ नौ Aath sau nau८०९
810Eight Hundred Tenआठ सौ दस Aath sau das८१०
811Eight Hundred Elevenआठ सौ ग्यारह Aath sau gyaarah८११
812Eight Hundred Twelveआठ सौ बारह Aath sau baarah८१२
813Eight Hundred Thirteenआठ सौ तेरह Aath sau terah८१३
814Eight Hundred Fourteenआठ सौ चौदह Aath sau chaudah८१४
815Eight Hundred Fifteenआठ सौ पंद्रह Aath sau pandrah८१५
816Eight Hundred Sixteenआठ सौ सोलह Aath sau solah८१६
817Eight Hundred Seventeenआठ सौ सत्रह Aath sau satrah८१७
818Eight Hundred Eighteenआठ सौ अठारह Aath sau athaarah८१८
819Eight Hundred Nineteenआठ सौ उन्नीस Aath sau unnees८१९
820Eight Hundred Twenty आठ सौ बीस Aath sau bees८२०
821Eight Hundred Twenty Oneआठ सौ इक्कीस Aath sau ikkees८२१
822Eight Hundred Twenty Twoआठ सौ बाईस Aath sau baees८२२
823Eight Hundred Twenty Threeआठ सौ तेईस Aath sau teees८२३
824Eight Hundred Twenty Fourआठ सौ चौबीस Aath sau chaubees८२४
825Eight Hundred Twenty Fiveआठ सौ पच्चीस Aath sau pachchees८२५
826Eight Hundred Twenty Sixआठ सौ छब्बीस Aath sau chhabbees८२६
827Eight Hundred Twenty Sevenआठ सौ सत्ताईस Aath sau sattaees८२७
828Eight Hundred Twenty Eightआठ सौ अट्ठाइस Aath sau atthais८२८
829Eight Hundred Twenty Nineआठ सौ उन्तीस Aath sau untees८२९
830Eight Hundred Thirty आठ सौ तीस Aath sau tees८३०
831Eight Hundred Thirty Oneआठ सौ इकत्तीस Aath sau ikattees८३१
832Eight Hundred Thirty Twoआठ सौ बत्तीस Aath sau battees८३२
833Eight Hundred Thirty Threeआठ सौ तेंतीस Aath sau tentees८३३
834Eight Hundred Thirty Fourआठ सौ चौंतीस Aath sau chauntees८३४
835Eight Hundred Thirty Fiveआठ सौ पैंतीस Aath sau paintees८३५
836Eight Hundred Thirty Sixआठ सौ छत्तीस Aath sau chhattees८३६
837Eight Hundred Thirty Sevenआठ सौ सैंतीस Aath sau saintees८३७
838Eight Hundred Thirty Eightआठ सौ अड़तीस Aath sau adatees८३८
839Eight Hundred Thirty Nineआठ सौ उनतालीस Aath sau unataalees८३९
840Eight Hundred Forty आठ सौ चालीस Aath sau chaalees८४०
841Eight Hundred Forty Oneआठ सौ इकतालीस Aath sau ikataalees८४१
842Eight Hundred Forty Twoआठ सौ बयालीस Aath sau bayaalees८४२
843Eight Hundred Forty Threeआठ सौ तैंतालीस Aath sau taintaalees८४३
844Eight Hundred Forty Fourआठ सौ चवालीस Aath sau chavaalees८४४
845Eight Hundred Forty Fiveआठ सौ पैंतालीस Aath sau paintaalees८४५
846Eight Hundred Forty Sixआठ सौ छियालीस Aath sau chhiyaalees८४६
847Eight Hundred Forty Sevenआठ सौ सैंतालीस Aath sau saintaalees८४७
848Eight Hundred Forty Eightआठ सौ अड़तालीस Aath sau adataalees८४८
849Eight Hundred Forty Nineआठ सौ उनचास Aath sau unachaas८४९
850Eight Hundred Fifty आठ सौ पचास Aath sau pachaas८५०
851Eight Hundred Fifty Oneआठ सौ इक्यावन Aath sau ikyaavan८५१
852Eight Hundred Fifty Twoआठ सौ बावन Aath sau baavan८५२
853Eight Hundred Fifty Threeआठ सौ तिरपन Aath sau tirapan८५३
854Eight Hundred Fifty Fourआठ सौ चौवन Aath sau chauvan८५४
855Eight Hundred Fifty Fiveआठ सौ पचपन Aath sau pachapan८५५
856Eight Hundred Fifty Sixआठ सौ छप्पन Aath sau chhappan८५६
857Eight Hundred Fifty Sevenआठ सौ सत्तावन Aath sau sattaavan८५७
858Eight Hundred Fifty Eightआठ सौ अट्ठावन Aath sau atthaavan८५८
859Eight Hundred Fifty Nineआठ सौ उनसठ Aath sau unasath८५९
860Eight Hundred Sixty आठ सौ साठ Aath sau saath८६०
861Eight Hundred Sixty Oneआठ सौ इकसठ Aath sau ikasath८६१
862Eight Hundred Sixty Twoआठ सौ बासठ Aath sau baasath८६२
863Eight Hundred Sixty Threeआठ सौ तिरसठ Aath sau tirasath८६३
864Eight Hundred Sixty Fourआठ सौ चौंसठ Aath sau chaunsath८६४
865Eight Hundred Sixty Fiveआठ सौ पैसठ Aath sau paisath८६५
866Eight Hundred Sixty Sixआठ सौ छियासठ Aath sau chhiyaasath८६६
867Eight Hundred Sixty Sevenआठ सौ सड़सठ Aath sau sadasath८६७
868Eight Hundred Sixty Eightआठ सौ अड़सठ Aath sau adasath८६८
869Eight Hundred Sixty Nineआठ सौ उनहत्तर Aath sau unahattar८६९
870Eight Hundred Seventy आठ सौ सत्तर Aath sau sattar८७०
871Eight Hundred Seventy Oneआठ सौ इकहत्तर Aath sau ikahattar८७१
872Eight Hundred Seventy Twoआठ सौ बहत्तर Aath sau bahattar८७२
873Eight Hundred Seventy Threeआठ सौ तिहत्तर Aath sau tihattar८७३
874Eight Hundred Seventy Fourआठ सौ चौहत्तर Aath sau chauhattar८७४
875Eight Hundred Seventy Fiveआठ सौ पचहत्तर Aath sau pachahattar८७५
876Eight Hundred Seventy Sixआठ सौ छिहत्तर Aath sau chhihattar८७६
877Eight Hundred Seventy Sevenआठ सौ सतत्तर Aath sau satattar८७७
878Eight Hundred Seventy Eightआठ सौ अठहत्तर Aath sau athahattar८७८
879Eight Hundred Seventy Nineआठ सौ उन्यासी Aath sau unyaasee८७९
880Eight Hundred Eighty आठ सौ अस्सी Aath sau assee८८०
881Eight Hundred Eighty Oneआठ सौ इक्यासी Aath sau ikyaasee८८१
882Eight Hundred Eighty Twoआठ सौ बयासी Aath sau bayaasee८८२
883Eight Hundred Eighty Threeआठ सौ तिरासी Aath sau tiraasee८८३
884Eight Hundred Eighty Fourआठ सौ चौरासी Aath sau chauraasee८८४
885Eight Hundred Eighty Fiveआठ सौ पचासी Aath sau pachaasee८८५
886Eight Hundred Eighty Sixआठ सौ छियासी Aath sau chhiyaasee८८६
887Eight Hundred Eighty Sevenआठ सौ सत्तासी Aath sau sattaasee८८७
888Eight Hundred Eighty Eightआठ सौ अठासी Aath sau athaasee८८८
889Eight Hundred Eighty Nineआठ सौ नवासी Aath sau navaasee८८९
890Eight Hundred Ninety आठ सौ नव्वे Aath sau navve८९०
891Eight Hundred Ninety Oneआठ सौ इक्यानबे Aath sau ikyaanabe८९१
892Eight Hundred Ninety Twoआठ सौ बयान्वे Aath sau bayaanve८९२
893Eight Hundred Ninety Threeआठ सौ तिरानवे Aath sau tiraanave८९३
894Eight Hundred Ninety Fourआठ सौ चौरानवे Aath sau chauraanave८९४
895Eight Hundred Ninety Fiveआठ सौ पंचानवे Aath sau panchaanave८९५
896Eight Hundred Ninety Sixआठ सौ छियानबे Aath sau chhiyaanabe८९६
897Eight Hundred Ninety Sevenआठ सौ सत्तानवे Aath sau sattaanave८९७
898Eight Hundred Ninety Eightआठ सौ अठानवे Aath sau athaanave८९८
899Eight Hundred Ninety Nineआठ सौ निन्यानवे Aath sau ninyaanave८९९
900Nine Hundred नौ सौ  Nau sau९००
901Nine Hundred Oneनौ सौ एक Nau sau ek९०१
902Nine Hundred Twoनौ सौ दो Nau sau do९०२
903Nine Hundred Threeनौ सौ तीन Nau sau teen९०३
904Nine Hundred Fourनौ सौ चार Nau sau chaar९०४
905Nine Hundred Fiveनौ सौ पाँच Nau sau paanch९०५
906Nine Hundred Sixनौ सौ छह Nau sau chhah९०६
907Nine Hundred Sevenनौ सौ सात Nau sau saat९०७
908Nine Hundred Eightनौ सौ आठ Nau sau aath९०८
909Nine Hundred Nineनौ सौ नौ Nau sau nau९०९
910Nine Hundred Tenनौ सौ दस Nau sau das९१०
911Nine Hundred Elevenनौ सौ ग्यारह Nau sau gyaarah९११
912Nine Hundred Twelveनौ सौ बारह Nau sau baarah९१२
913Nine Hundred Thirteenनौ सौ तेरह Nau sau terah९१३
914Nine Hundred Fourteenनौ सौ चौदह Nau sau chaudah९१४
915Nine Hundred Fifteenनौ सौ पंद्रह Nau sau pandrah९१५
916Nine Hundred Sixteenनौ सौ सोलह Nau sau solah९१६
917Nine Hundred Seventeenनौ सौ सत्रह Nau sau satrah९१७
918Nine Hundred Eighteenनौ सौ अठारह Nau sau athaarah९१८
919Nine Hundred Nineteenनौ सौ उन्नीस Nau sau unnees९१९
920Nine Hundred Twenty नौ सौ बीस Nau sau bees९२०
921Nine Hundred Twenty Oneनौ सौ इक्कीस Nau sau ikkees९२१
922Nine Hundred Twenty Twoनौ सौ बाईस Nau sau baees९२२
923Nine Hundred Twenty Threeनौ सौ तेईस Nau sau teees९२३
924Nine Hundred Twenty Fourनौ सौ चौबीस Nau sau chaubees९२४
925Nine Hundred Twenty Fiveनौ सौ पच्चीस Nau sau pachchees९२५
926Nine Hundred Twenty Sixनौ सौ छब्बीस Nau sau chhabbees९२६
927Nine Hundred Twenty Sevenनौ सौ सत्ताईस Nau sau sattaees९२७
928Nine Hundred Twenty Eightनौ सौ अट्ठाइस Nau sau atthais९२८
929Nine Hundred Twenty Nineनौ सौ उन्तीस Nau sau untees९२९
930Nine Hundred Thirty नौ सौ तीस Nau sau tees९३०
931Nine Hundred Thirty Oneनौ सौ इकत्तीस Nau sau ikattees९३१
932Nine Hundred Thirty Twoनौ सौ बत्तीस Nau sau battees९३२
933Nine Hundred Thirty Threeनौ सौ तेंतीस Nau sau tentees९३३
934Nine Hundred Thirty Fourनौ सौ चौंतीस Nau sau chauntees९३४
935Nine Hundred Thirty Fiveनौ सौ पैंतीस Nau sau paintees९३५
936Nine Hundred Thirty Sixनौ सौ छत्तीस Nau sau chhattees९३६
937Nine Hundred Thirty Sevenनौ सौ सैंतीस Nau sau saintees९३७
938Nine Hundred Thirty Eightनौ सौ अड़तीस Nau sau adatees९३८
939Nine Hundred Thirty Nineनौ सौ उनतालीस Nau sau unataalees९३९
940Nine Hundred Forty नौ सौ चालीस Nau sau chaalees९४०
941Nine Hundred Forty Oneनौ सौ इकतालीस Nau sau ikataalees९४१
942Nine Hundred Forty Twoनौ सौ बयालीस Nau sau bayaalees९४२
943Nine Hundred Forty Threeनौ सौ तैंतालीस Nau sau taintaalees९४३
944Nine Hundred Forty Fourनौ सौ चवालीस Nau sau chavaalees९४४
945Nine Hundred Forty Fiveनौ सौ पैंतालीस Nau sau paintaalees९४५
946Nine Hundred Forty Sixनौ सौ छियालीस Nau sau chhiyaalees९४६
947Nine Hundred Forty Sevenनौ सौ सैंतालीस Nau sau saintaalees९४७
948Nine Hundred Forty Eightनौ सौ अड़तालीस Nau sau adataalees९४८
949Nine Hundred Forty Nineनौ सौ उनचास Nau sau unachaas९४९
950Nine Hundred Fifty नौ सौ पचास Nau sau pachaas९५०
951Nine Hundred Fifty Oneनौ सौ इक्यावन Nau sau ikyaavan९५१
952Nine Hundred Fifty Twoनौ सौ बावन Nau sau baavan९५२
953Nine Hundred Fifty Threeनौ सौ तिरपन Nau sau tirapan९५३
954Nine Hundred Fifty Fourनौ सौ चौवन Nau sau chauvan९५४
955Nine Hundred Fifty Fiveनौ सौ पचपन Nau sau pachapan९५५
956Nine Hundred Fifty Sixनौ सौ छप्पन Nau sau chhappan९५६
957Nine Hundred Fifty Sevenनौ सौ सत्तावन Nau sau sattaavan९५७
958Nine Hundred Fifty Eightनौ सौ अट्ठावन Nau sau atthaavan९५८
959Nine Hundred Fifty Nineनौ सौ उनसठ Nau sau unasath९५९
960Nine Hundred Sixty नौ सौ साठ Nau sau saath९६०
961Nine Hundred Sixty Oneनौ सौ इकसठ Nau sau ikasath९६१
962Nine Hundred Sixty Twoनौ सौ बासठ Nau sau baasath९६२
963Nine Hundred Sixty Threeनौ सौ तिरसठ Nau sau tirasath९६३
964Nine Hundred Sixty Fourनौ सौ चौंसठ Nau sau chaunsath९६४
965Nine Hundred Sixty Fiveनौ सौ पैसठ Nau sau paisath९६५
966Nine Hundred Sixty Sixनौ सौ छियासठ Nau sau chhiyaasath९६६
967Nine Hundred Sixty Sevenनौ सौ सड़सठ Nau sau sadasath९६७
968Nine Hundred Sixty Eightनौ सौ अड़सठ Nau sau adasath९६८
969Nine Hundred Sixty Nineनौ सौ उनहत्तर Nau sau unahattar९६९
970Nine Hundred Seventy नौ सौ सत्तर Nau sau sattar९७०
971Nine Hundred Seventy Oneनौ सौ इकहत्तर Nau sau ikahattar९७१
972Nine Hundred Seventy Twoनौ सौ बहत्तर Nau sau bahattar९७२
973Nine Hundred Seventy Threeनौ सौ तिहत्तर Nau sau tihattar९७३
974Nine Hundred Seventy Fourनौ सौ चौहत्तर Nau sau chauhattar९७४
975Nine Hundred Seventy Fiveनौ सौ पचहत्तर Nau sau pachahattar९७५
976Nine Hundred Seventy Sixनौ सौ छिहत्तर Nau sau chhihattar९७६
977Nine Hundred Seventy Sevenनौ सौ सतत्तर Nau sau satattar९७७
978Nine Hundred Seventy Eightनौ सौ अठहत्तर Nau sau athahattar९७८
979Nine Hundred Seventy Nineनौ सौ उन्यासी Nau sau unyaasee९७९
980Nine Hundred Eighty नौ सौ अस्सी Nau sau assee९८०
981Nine Hundred Eighty Oneनौ सौ इक्यासी Nau sau ikyaasee९८१
982Nine Hundred Eighty Twoनौ सौ बयासी Nau sau bayaasee९८२
983Nine Hundred Eighty Threeनौ सौ तिरासी Nau sau tiraasee९८३
984Nine Hundred Eighty Fourनौ सौ चौरासी Nau sau chauraasee९८४
985Nine Hundred Eighty Fiveनौ सौ पचासी Nau sau pachaasee९८५
986Nine Hundred Eighty Sixनौ सौ छियासी Nau sau chhiyaasee९८६
987Nine Hundred Eighty Sevenनौ सौ सत्तासी Nau sau sattaasee९८७
988Nine Hundred Eighty Eightनौ सौ अठासी Nau sau athaasee९८८
989Nine Hundred Eighty Nineनौ सौ नवासी Nau sau navaasee९८९
990Nine Hundred Ninety नौ सौ नव्वे Nau sau navve९९०
991Nine Hundred Ninety Oneनौ सौ इक्यानबे Nau sau ikyaanabe९९१
992Nine Hundred Ninety Twoनौ सौ बयान्वे Nau sau bayaanve९९२
993Nine Hundred Ninety Threeनौ सौ तिरानवे Nau sau tiraanave९९३
994Nine Hundred Ninety Fourनौ सौ चौरानवे Nau sau chauraanave९९४
995Nine Hundred Ninety Fiveनौ सौ पंचानवे Nau sau panchaanave९९५
996Nine Hundred Ninety Sixनौ सौ छियानबे Nau sau chhiyaanabe९९६
997Nine Hundred Ninety Sevenनौ सौ सत्तानवे Nau sau sattaanave९९७
998Nine Hundred Ninety Eightनौ सौ अठानवे Nau sau athaanave९९८
999Nine Hundred Ninety Nineनौ सौ निन्यानवे Nau sau ninyaanave९९९
1000One Thousand एक हज़ार Ek hazaar१०००

एक से दस तक गिनती – Hindi Counting 1 to 10

एक से बीस तक गिनती – Hindi counting 1 to 20

एक से पचास तक गिनती – Hindi counting 1 to 50

एक से सौ तक गिनती – Hindi counting 1 to 100

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